How can you have everything but still nothing? You've been looking up to the illusion of true fairytale love your whole life and in a temporary moment of happiness you really think you've got it all, untill you again look the real world in the eyes, and re-discovers that your happiness have to end. That doesn't say though, that the love has to end.
Well.. How do you know when you've found the great love of your life? You might think that you've found it a number of times before you finally find that one person who actually deserves the title of your better half? As far as I've noticed, it's possible to be fooled for months or even years before you realize that you in fact, do not have the right person by you. So, is it the right person when no one else is on your mind? You dream about the person every night, just to wake up in sadness when you realize the person's not by your side? Is it when you really feel that everything falls in place, you've got no arguments to hold and no anger against each other, no matter what the person does it's completely perfect in your eyes? Maybe it's when you find that person, who's so like yourself that you feel like they'd already know all of your reaction and actions, maybe because they'd have the exact same.
We've all got our own special traits and habbits, is it ever possible to find someone who's gotten all the same as you have yourself? Someone has found that person, so it is indeed possible.
Then again, you've found the person and everything seems to be perfect, things can actually not get better, at all. Until one of you have to leave the country to live thousands of miles away. Nine timezones away. That is a thing that sucks.
So what now? You're a teenager, you've got school and work and your parents are still making decisions you can't quite follow, and now, you've also gotten a boyfriend across the globe? How's the travel? Who's gonna come visit who, and how do you convince your parents that you're gonna stay together? How're you gonna convince anyone that you're staying together? Cause if you think about it, who really believes that long distance is possible? I'll tell you, someone has done it, and it is possible, but it's gonna be tough. It's gonna be more than hard and you're gonna sit up for hours waiting or another person to get up or get home only to find out that some other plans got in the way and your waiting has been pointless? How's it possible to keep smiling when both o you slowly get busy and there's less time to talk to each other? Well, commitment and love could be the two keywords, cause if not both of you are 100% completely devoted to it, it's not gonna happen.
Then, there'll be that one day, after years of being seperated, there'll be that one day when you finally move in together and everything will be perfect again, cause you'll once again be with each other. That's a day I'm waiting for.
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